Recent content by Saffy

  1. S

    '91 Jeep Cherokee leaking radiator fluid, where to look?

    Couple years ago my sister borrowed my jeep one freezing morning and didn't know to warm it up first, it had more water than coolant in the radiator at the time. So she drove it about 20min to work and it shut off automatically. I came later to try and get it and it would only overheat and...
  2. S

    is it true that tom cruise is not actually suri cruise's father?

    a friend of mine told me that yesterday, it really shocked me... is it true? who is supposed to be her real father then?
  3. S

    What music video am I thinking of??!!!!?

    It's by some male band that's very popular. The music video shows many tragedies that have affected the world and many triumphs (i.e. The ku klux klan, a man landing on the moon, the oil spill.) I think the video is from one or two years ago. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
  4. S

    iTunes store error? When I try to buy a song?

    I'm trying to purchase a song, and this error pops up saying "Could not purchase '<song name>.' There is not enough memory available. There was an error in the iTunes store. Please try again later." I know for a FACT I have enough memory available!~ So, it's not that. I can get free songs, but...
  5. S

    What are some celebrities that have?

    Oh please no! It looks so tacky. Just don't go there!