Recent content by SadMan

  1. S

    Journey in Locker Rooms

    I bet you dropped the soap on purpose.
  2. S

    What is it with girls and cats?

    HAHAHAHA > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > naughty!! (I am assuming the Aussies dont consider us loverly Welshies as poms.. )
  3. S

    Darwin awards and your stories.

    Well here I am stuck at work all-night and thought I would find away to make the time pass. I was at the Darwin site reading about the other decision challenge people in the world. Now don’t tell me that most everyone of you guys (men/boys) haven’t done something that at the time sounded like a...
  4. S

    OT question for you Brits.

    [No message]
  5. S

    my wife left me think she may have mental problem?

    i don't mean it in a bad way i love her and want to help we been together 3 years just got married just before the end of last year 2 day before our 1 month anniversary she walked out and said she was not in love with me but yet she was with me for 3 years so i know that is not it and she seems...
  6. S

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrrr local bus services. If I want to go see Quantum of Solace tomorrow I either have to run the quarter mile from the bus stop to the cinema (last time I ran further than 100 yards was over a year ago) or hang around for an hour. Either way its going to cost nearly £4 just to get there when...
  7. S

    Your plans for summer

    Get insane jacked for football. Work construction 5 days a week, 10 hour shifts...and party.
  8. S

    Anyone else have bad experiences with these?

    I wasn't aware your mother and father aren't part of your family
  9. S

    Pedo Bear makes an appearance on import tuner cover

    lulzz he did it for the lulzz
  10. S

    Uxbridge English Dictionary

    Membership - amusingly shaped boat.
  11. S

    Is every memory worth keeping?

    I think this quote sums it up: I'm guessing it's more of the latter. The human brain does this automatically in many cases (e.g. denial), so it's more of an analgesic then a cure. This is a case when delusions are functional if not necessary. Eventually, you have to come back and deal with...
  12. S

    will it work?

    I like mines. No one can has.
  13. S

    Please sign my petition

    I have a bit of green cardboard that gets me free prescriptions - do you get free medicine with a Purple Heart?
  14. S


    expect being surprise buttsexed by that guy all da time
  15. S

    You guys alive?
