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  1. S

    Journey in Locker Rooms

    I bet you dropped the soap on purpose.
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    What is it with girls and cats?

    HAHAHAHA > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > naughty!! (I am assuming the Aussies dont consider us loverly Welshies as poms.. )
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    Darwin awards and your stories.

    Well here I am stuck at work all-night and thought I would find away to make the time pass. I was at the Darwin site reading about the other decision challenge people in the world. Now don’t tell me that most everyone of you guys (men/boys) haven’t done something that at the time sounded like a...
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    OT question for you Brits.

    [No message]
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    my wife left me think she may have mental problem?

    i don't mean it in a bad way i love her and want to help we been together 3 years just got married just before the end of last year 2 day before our 1 month anniversary she walked out and said she was not in love with me but yet she was with me for 3 years so i know that is not it and she seems...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Grrrrrr local bus services. If I want to go see Quantum of Solace tomorrow I either have to run the quarter mile from the bus stop to the cinema (last time I ran further than 100 yards was over a year ago) or hang around for an hour. Either way its going to cost nearly £4 just to get there when...
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    Your plans for summer

    Get insane jacked for football. Work construction 5 days a week, 10 hour shifts...and party.
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    Anyone else have bad experiences with these?

    I wasn't aware your mother and father aren't part of your family
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    Pedo Bear makes an appearance on import tuner cover

    lulzz he did it for the lulzz
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    Uxbridge English Dictionary

    Membership - amusingly shaped boat.
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    Is every memory worth keeping?

    I think this quote sums it up: I'm guessing it's more of the latter. The human brain does this automatically in many cases (e.g. denial), so it's more of an analgesic then a cure. This is a case when delusions are functional if not necessary. Eventually, you have to come back and deal with...
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    will it work?

    I like mines. No one can has.
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    Please sign my petition

    I have a bit of green cardboard that gets me free prescriptions - do you get free medicine with a Purple Heart?
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    expect being surprise buttsexed by that guy all da time
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    You guys alive?

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    If you could "save" your life like a game, would you do it?

    If you could "save" your life like a game, would you do it? lol Prince of persia style..
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    Free speech?

    There's no point in going on about having Free Speech if you are going to start discriminating against certain groups or dealing out handicaps to them, because you obviously do not have Free Speech in that case. Free Speech is also a central basis on which a “Free Society” (aka Western Liberal...
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    Police had attacked man that died at G20 protests

    I think the baton strike is probably justifiable if he felt that she was inciting the crowd in some way, although it is arguable that the real incitement was his initial striking of her. As for the slap itself - I dont know the officers intentions, but he's a big bloke, so I doubt he really...
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    The Member Depreciation Thread

    well I do
  20. S

    Help with gear stick!

    What theeeeeeeeeeee??? I'm half tempted to glue the damn thing in place. It is SO annoying having to reclip it back into place every time I change into 5th and back or reverse and back. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!