Recent content by Ronatnyu

  1. R

    How easy is it to get action on a caribbean cruise?

    Hmmm .... just bring a large suitcase labeled WMD ... you'll see incredible action .... deep probing action even.
  2. R

    So did you take advantage of the eHarmony free communication this past weekend?

    Oh ....snap! ... my ears were all clogged up & I didn't hear about the sweet eHarmony ad!
  3. R

    So did you take advantage of the eHarmony free communication this past weekend?

    Oh ....snap! ... my ears were all clogged up & I didn't hear about the sweet eHarmony ad!
  4. R

    Poll- How do you usually greet people?

    You have the right to remain silent
  5. R

    Is installing a stereo in the kitchen cause for murder?

    hmmm ... maybe Meatloaf would be a better choice for the Kitchen
  6. R

    Is installing a stereo in the kitchen cause for murder?

    hmmm ... maybe Meatloaf would be a better choice for the Kitchen
  7. R

    Is installing a stereo in the kitchen cause for murder?

    hmmm ... maybe Meatloaf would be a better choice for the Kitchen
  8. R

    What new Fashion trends will come from Swine Flu ...?

    ....I'll design pants with an opening in the back for the tail.
  9. R

    When you are in charge of Office Fitness ....?

    ....Which critter would you bring in? A) Tommy T-Rex -- Helps out with the running & ducking down B) Patty Puma - Helps with the Pounce avoidance & climbing C) Sylvia Shark - Very Speedy Bathroom breaks -- lots of squatting D) Other
  10. R

    Oh My God Help!!!!!!!!?

    It was a mouse who just robbed a milk truck
  11. R

    Poll: The Body Parts Truck is Outside .....?

    What replacement parts will you scream for?
  12. R

    How loud would your neighbor have to scream, and for how long, before

    Okay .... they could be screaming because Arnie & Allison Alligators got loose again and snuck in through their doggie door. Those scamps!
  13. R

    How loud would your neighbor have to scream, and for how long, before

    Okay .... they could be screaming because Arnie & Allison Alligators got loose again and snuck in through their doggie door. Those scamps!
  14. R

    Little Ray Rhinoceros wants to know if there is a future ...?

    .... career for him as a shoe horn when he grows up?
  15. R

    Poll: Why was Miss Piggy seen crying in the Super Market ....?

    Again, Good Freezing Morning or Will we ever see Spring again, Afternoon?