Search results

  1. R

    How easy is it to get action on a caribbean cruise?

    Hmmm .... just bring a large suitcase labeled WMD ... you'll see incredible action .... deep probing action even.
  2. R

    So did you take advantage of the eHarmony free communication this past weekend?

    Oh ....snap! ... my ears were all clogged up & I didn't hear about the sweet eHarmony ad!
  3. R

    So did you take advantage of the eHarmony free communication this past weekend?

    Oh ....snap! ... my ears were all clogged up & I didn't hear about the sweet eHarmony ad!
  4. R

    Poll- How do you usually greet people?

    You have the right to remain silent
  5. R

    Is installing a stereo in the kitchen cause for murder?

    hmmm ... maybe Meatloaf would be a better choice for the Kitchen
  6. R

    Is installing a stereo in the kitchen cause for murder?

    hmmm ... maybe Meatloaf would be a better choice for the Kitchen
  7. R

    Is installing a stereo in the kitchen cause for murder?

    hmmm ... maybe Meatloaf would be a better choice for the Kitchen
  8. R

    What new Fashion trends will come from Swine Flu ...?

    ....I'll design pants with an opening in the back for the tail.
  9. R

    When you are in charge of Office Fitness ....?

    ....Which critter would you bring in? A) Tommy T-Rex -- Helps out with the running & ducking down B) Patty Puma - Helps with the Pounce avoidance & climbing C) Sylvia Shark - Very Speedy Bathroom breaks -- lots of squatting D) Other
  10. R

    Oh My God Help!!!!!!!!?

    It was a mouse who just robbed a milk truck
  11. R

    Poll: The Body Parts Truck is Outside .....?

    What replacement parts will you scream for?
  12. R

    How loud would your neighbor have to scream, and for how long, before

    Okay .... they could be screaming because Arnie & Allison Alligators got loose again and snuck in through their doggie door. Those scamps!
  13. R

    How loud would your neighbor have to scream, and for how long, before

    Okay .... they could be screaming because Arnie & Allison Alligators got loose again and snuck in through their doggie door. Those scamps!
  14. R

    Little Ray Rhinoceros wants to know if there is a future ...?

    .... career for him as a shoe horn when he grows up?
  15. R

    Poll: Why was Miss Piggy seen crying in the Super Market ....?

    Again, Good Freezing Morning or Will we ever see Spring again, Afternoon?
  16. R

    Survey! What do you need the most help with?

    how to sneak out of the house while Eleanor, my Elephant is sleeping in front of the door.
  17. R

    Poll: Who can we complain to that Canadians ....?

    .... have left their front gate open and let their COLD AIR masses out? Its -14 in Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
  18. R

    Poll: If Bluetooth is so HOT!... Then how come ...?

    ... The Smurfs haven't gotten an endorsement deal yet?
  19. R

    Is it possible for scientists to invent time traveling machines in the future?

    Actually they built them already in the past and took them to future where folks won't gawk at there use.
  20. R

    What do little ones pray for?

    Smallits at Prayer Kneeling at the altar rail What do babies pray for? Hands clasped and heads bowed Un-furrowed brows crinkled Spectrums of light Stained glass visions divine Capturing the essence Of God’s breath Practice in prayer Holy Ghost in assistance Serenity descends A slight smile...