Recent content by playmaker

  1. P

    Avatar Game: Guess the future or current profession of the avatar below & above?

    ABOVE: lol I get this dude all the time, Im gonna say police officer. BELOW: One of Hugh Hefs girlfriends.
  2. P

    If you don't like MMA, why not?

    You sound like a girl, youre scared to get pounded in MMA. In MMA you need to have a full rounded game, something youre obviously scared of being exposed.
  3. P

    GUYS: who is most attractive just by judging these pics of these celebs ( pics )?

    I have a thing for Hilary Duff, so yea...
  4. P

    Have you ever considered switching teams for any of the celebrities?

    Im not sayin... Im just sayin... James Franco is a handsome man.
  5. P

    Who was your first celebrity crush. And who is your current?

    Im bigtime diggin all the girls in Girlicious.
  6. P

    Who was your first celebrity crush. And who is your current?

    Im bigtime diggin all the girls in Girlicious.
  7. P

    Celebrity Apprentice?

    Anyone else pumped for this show? Its on at 9 on NBC. My dudes are Tom Green and Hershel Walker.
  8. P

    Who's ur Celebrity Crush,?

    Girlicious, the entire group, my god, soooo sexy.
  9. P

    rumors! idk how 2 deal with them?

    I know, I started those.
  10. P

    rumors! idk how 2 deal with them?

    I know, I started those.
  11. P

    Where can i buy a gameboy color system?

    wow those are rare since there like from 1999 but you should try going to gamestop