Recent content by notmtlheaded

  1. N


    What do you imagine Yorkshire is like? Tundra? Permafrost?
  2. N

    whats the name of the girl in this avvy?

    The irony is off the fucking charts.
  3. N

    Ladies with muscles

    I was just teasin ya...theyre a little over the top...
  4. N

    This 2012 thing...

    I'm looking forward to blowing up some zombie heads
  5. N

    Any bikers

    OK then, go on! All bikers had to start some ware, I started with a Suzuki FS50 rev and go moped in 16th birthday, I had many great attempts to get over 35 MPH out of it, trying different steep hills and windy days! Oh the joy of it!
  6. N

    Wild accussation

    Oddbodskins has a sixth sense. A sense of entitlement.
  7. N

    Evolution Bashing Thread

    Actually simulations have been done to test this. Over millions of generations, if you start out with a small area sensitive to light (bear in mind that infra-red is a form of light, so something sensitive to heat works too), then one of the possibilities that develops from it, in fact the most...
  8. N

    luaf out load

    I laughed.
  9. N

    So i got alcohol poisening

  10. N

    Tampons and Tools...

    Definatly a bit of both...and you know who I blame it on...Mikey...Yea thats right he started the thread, so its all his fault... you know what now that i think about it all my problems are his fault.... and now that I think about some more the whole worlds problems are his fault...
  11. N

    Does this place even exist

    Think about it, did you enter a sweepstakes? If not, then how could this even be true?
  12. N

    Reforms to the Monarchy in the UK

    Why shouldn't someone who has the money be able to give their children a better education than is availible within the state system?
  13. N

    i worked on black friday, so i had to wear this to work (pics)

    lol you sir, win. :tup: to you
  14. N

    More Wild Fires in Cali

    Beats living in tornado alley, hurricane rampant south east, the boring mid west, and the shitty east.