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  1. N


    What do you imagine Yorkshire is like? Tundra? Permafrost?
  2. N

    whats the name of the girl in this avvy?

    The irony is off the fucking charts.
  3. N

    Ladies with muscles

    I was just teasin ya...theyre a little over the top...
  4. N

    This 2012 thing...

    I'm looking forward to blowing up some zombie heads
  5. N

    Any bikers

    OK then, go on! All bikers had to start some ware, I started with a Suzuki FS50 rev and go moped in 16th birthday, I had many great attempts to get over 35 MPH out of it, trying different steep hills and windy days! Oh the joy of it!
  6. N

    Wild accussation

    Oddbodskins has a sixth sense. A sense of entitlement.
  7. N

    Evolution Bashing Thread

    Actually simulations have been done to test this. Over millions of generations, if you start out with a small area sensitive to light (bear in mind that infra-red is a form of light, so something sensitive to heat works too), then one of the possibilities that develops from it, in fact the most...
  8. N

    luaf out load

    I laughed.
  9. N

    So i got alcohol poisening

  10. N

    Tampons and Tools...

    Definatly a bit of both...and you know who I blame it on...Mikey...Yea thats right he started the thread, so its all his fault... you know what now that i think about it all my problems are his fault.... and now that I think about some more the whole worlds problems are his fault...
  11. N

    Does this place even exist

    Think about it, did you enter a sweepstakes? If not, then how could this even be true?
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    Reforms to the Monarchy in the UK

    Why shouldn't someone who has the money be able to give their children a better education than is availible within the state system?
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    i worked on black friday, so i had to wear this to work (pics)

    lol you sir, win. :tup: to you
  14. N

    More Wild Fires in Cali

    Beats living in tornado alley, hurricane rampant south east, the boring mid west, and the shitty east.
  15. N

    Can you solve this riddle?

    if we are standing back to back...except my father died so forget it ;-D
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    Fill in the blank?

    cheese cake
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    it a rumor that this is true....?

    rumour started by Hallmark to increase the sales of their gift!
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    who is the richest person in the world??

    THE BILLIONAIRES (top 20 in 2008 according to Forbes) Warren Buffett Carlos Slim Helu William Gates III Lakshmi Mittal Mukesh Ambani Anil Ambani Ingvar Kamprad KP Singh Oleg Deripaska Karl Albrecht Li Ka-shing Sheldon Adelson Bernard Arnault Lawrence Ellison Roman Abramovich Theo...
  19. N

    How do I expose a scam for a local "job interview"?

    Report the ad to the paper that ran the ad; file a complaint with your local police consumer fraud unit, file a report with consumer affairs (see link), file a report with your local better business bureau...better luck finding a job...for online jobs don't give out personal info on an online app...