Recent content by leighway948

  1. L

    Craziest Thing in school i could do?

    put snowboarding goggles on, and go to school, then when people ask what your doing, say they are X-ray goggles hahaha
  2. L

    Man Federation!

    I am the Great One
  3. L

    The one, The only...

    Choco Tacos are awesome. This thread is not.
  4. L

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    so i distract you with cake, you drink the chocolate milk and then i scratch your bum with a cookie? *runs away very fast*
  5. L

    Critical Thinking..

    Yes. may wanna get that checked out, mmkay?
  6. L


    we had ours about 3 weeks ago now...
  7. L

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    yay, fish is my favourite food! hope you weren't too attached to them
  8. L

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    But the physical evidence supported Zimmerman not the state which is where they had the problem.
  9. L

    Did anyone give to charity of buying worthless gifts

    Each and every Christmas our family adopts another family through our church as part of the "umbrella program" ... ( ) ... so each one of us choose a member of the family to purchase an Xmas gift for. All we have is the age and...
  10. L

    Do you/ Would you trash talk in the middle of fight?

    I would concentrate on looking for an opportunity to enter. I don't think I would have any spare energy to talk.
  11. L

    New Year Resolutions

    I would like to point out I didn't actually vomit after all. ... I feel so cheated.
  12. L

    What do you want to be when u grow up?

    I work at a Ferrari dealership right now, and thats is my dream job for my age(17).
  13. L

    michele and her dilemmas. please help me! ideas/opinions?

    I moved in with my bf and his parents (shock horror) when I left uni due to various issues, after being together 3 years. We then lived together there for about 3 years before buying a house. You don't need to be married before buying but you REALLY need to be aware of the commitment buying a...
  14. L

    Euro 2k4

    No its all the refs fault, would have got loads more goals if it wasn't for him! sorry i mean
  15. L

    Twit jailed for tweet

    I've seen different charges on different news reports, now. Has anyone got an official source for the charge and for the conviction?