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  1. L

    Craziest Thing in school i could do?

    put snowboarding goggles on, and go to school, then when people ask what your doing, say they are X-ray goggles hahaha
  2. L

    Man Federation!

    I am the Great One
  3. L

    The one, The only...

    Choco Tacos are awesome. This thread is not.
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    so i distract you with cake, you drink the chocolate milk and then i scratch your bum with a cookie? *runs away very fast*
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    Critical Thinking..

    Yes. may wanna get that checked out, mmkay?
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    we had ours about 3 weeks ago now...
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    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    yay, fish is my favourite food! hope you weren't too attached to them
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    But the physical evidence supported Zimmerman not the state which is where they had the problem.
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    Did anyone give to charity of buying worthless gifts

    Each and every Christmas our family adopts another family through our church as part of the "umbrella program" ... ( ) ... so each one of us choose a member of the family to purchase an Xmas gift for. All we have is the age and...
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    Do you/ Would you trash talk in the middle of fight?

    I would concentrate on looking for an opportunity to enter. I don't think I would have any spare energy to talk.
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    New Year Resolutions

    I would like to point out I didn't actually vomit after all. ... I feel so cheated.
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    What do you want to be when u grow up?

    I work at a Ferrari dealership right now, and thats is my dream job for my age(17).
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    michele and her dilemmas. please help me! ideas/opinions?

    I moved in with my bf and his parents (shock horror) when I left uni due to various issues, after being together 3 years. We then lived together there for about 3 years before buying a house. You don't need to be married before buying but you REALLY need to be aware of the commitment buying a...
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    Euro 2k4

    No its all the refs fault, would have got loads more goals if it wasn't for him! sorry i mean
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    Twit jailed for tweet

    I've seen different charges on different news reports, now. Has anyone got an official source for the charge and for the conviction?
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    "Me and my family flew up and floated around the room."

    "Me and my family flew up and floated around the room." Because they wish they could go to /b/, but their Mom and Dad blocked it. Also, I'm British. :(
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    1 Chance , 1 Question, 1 Answer

    where is your fave place in the world? and why?
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    Guy’s can never win. Or why guys hate Christmas.

    Guy Fall? Yeah, they do actually. Which enforces all stereotypes that you could possiby think of. Check it, Scarlet Mist is more than enough to fill every *cavity* And get them honeys fallin', like my last name's Gravity
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    A MAP Dream

    ROFL! Very true. Now for Alfred Adler's point of view: The subjects inability to deal with his tormentors demonstrates a classic inferiority complex. I recommend shock therapy or social approval, whatever comes easiest on MAP.
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    Post Apocalyptic World - What could you do?

    PAS, you've been here long enough to know we can't let an entry like this slip by. What you do in your private time with your own hands is your own business. Me? I grew up on a farm, can grow anything if its got seeds and some dirt nearby. Grew up knowing what weeds you can and can't...