Recent content by ladycalai

  1. L


    Remember that that's also the 'forced to drink bad beer stage'.
  2. L

    Ban the last poster before you post

    G for talking smack about my driveway... that's my job
  3. L

    female passiveness

    you just wait till i get ahold of that other nipple
  4. L

    Crest White Strips that shit will bleach ur fingers if ur not careful
  5. L

    The World Cup

    Basel Stadt, or Basel Land? I don't speak Schwietzerdeutsch (sp?) or much German. But my granny was from Vaud, where they speak French. I've got millions of relations there! So I'll be cheering for Switzerland too - unless they play England!
  6. L

    LOTR the MAP version

    Then I'll take Frodo before someone else takes the little b*gger. Edit - Added '*', not sure if anyone finds it offensive though.
  7. L


    Nope, most can't! PMSL... Thank you for your recommendation, and trying to educate me about France in general and the southern part of Paris, but I don't need to! .......... that is unless I want a foreigner's view on what is going on in France ROFL ---- don't bother, regarding...
  8. L


    I've only had one bad experience on ebay and luckily it didn't cost me much. I buy a lot of small stuff, nothing big though. Listen to Kurohana.
  9. L

    Deaf/hard of hearing players.

    "We got pwned by genetics"
  10. L


    Yea, but I literally like to hit them with my truck. I was drving down an alley between two streets one day as a shortcut around traffic. And these "thugs" saw me coming and walked literally right in front of my truck, clipping one of them (barely). They looked at me like I was retarded, and I...
  11. L

    So I was stupid, could use some advice

    she licked me like a lollipop. youll pass. at my job they use piss tests and a dude passed that smoked 2 weeks before, heavily. what people dont want you to know is that there is a HUGE margin for error in those. kinda like carbon dating.
  12. L

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    [No message]
  13. L

    Batman vs. Captain America

    batman is dat nigga
  14. L

    What do you think about this

    Doesn't bother me to much either but there you go.