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  1. L


    Remember that that's also the 'forced to drink bad beer stage'.
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    Ban the last poster before you post

    G for talking smack about my driveway... that's my job
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    female passiveness

    you just wait till i get ahold of that other nipple
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    Crest White Strips that shit will bleach ur fingers if ur not careful
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    The World Cup

    Basel Stadt, or Basel Land? I don't speak Schwietzerdeutsch (sp?) or much German. But my granny was from Vaud, where they speak French. I've got millions of relations there! So I'll be cheering for Switzerland too - unless they play England!
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    LOTR the MAP version

    Then I'll take Frodo before someone else takes the little b*gger. Edit - Added '*', not sure if anyone finds it offensive though.
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    Nope, most can't! PMSL... Thank you for your recommendation, and trying to educate me about France in general and the southern part of Paris, but I don't need to! .......... that is unless I want a foreigner's view on what is going on in France ROFL ---- don't bother, regarding...
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    I've only had one bad experience on ebay and luckily it didn't cost me much. I buy a lot of small stuff, nothing big though. Listen to Kurohana.
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    Deaf/hard of hearing players.

    "We got pwned by genetics"
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    Yea, but I literally like to hit them with my truck. I was drving down an alley between two streets one day as a shortcut around traffic. And these "thugs" saw me coming and walked literally right in front of my truck, clipping one of them (barely). They looked at me like I was retarded, and I...
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    So I was stupid, could use some advice

    she licked me like a lollipop. youll pass. at my job they use piss tests and a dude passed that smoked 2 weeks before, heavily. what people dont want you to know is that there is a HUGE margin for error in those. kinda like carbon dating.
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    LOLcats/caturday thread!

    [No message]
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    Batman vs. Captain America

    batman is dat nigga
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    What do you think about this

    Doesn't bother me to much either but there you go.
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    Dog The Bounty Hunter

    I agree that Dog should not have used the N word, but I also agree that black people shouldnt use the word either. Also, it bothers me that there is so much talk of how black people are mistreated. The way they were treated many years ago was terrible, but as adouglasmhor stated, that was a...
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    How Big (Or Small) is your i-tunes Library?

    Don't use iTunes. Nonetheless my music library is: 2481 songs, 7 days 32 minutes, 12.58 GB
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    Check out my states food. West Coast = Jealous.

    Chicken is the worst meat there is. Not quite like your state.
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    Peacock Mistaken for Vampire

    Have you ever heard one of these Peahens let loose? I thought that Hell itself had split wide open! Sounds like a baby screaminng for it's life! And it seems that the evil creatures love to let loose at night! Just to piss you off. PURE EVIL I TELL YOU! Several neighborhoods in Florida...
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    What is WRONG with my country????

    Maybe America should adopt these policies: - Immigrants and foreign visitors are banned from public political discourse. - Immigrants and foreigners are denied certain basic property rights. - Immigrants are denied equal employment rights. - Immigrants and naturalized citizens will never...