Recent content by JP

  1. J

    Why do my car audio tweeters make a loud "pop" sound when my sub woofers hit...

    Why do my car audio tweeters make a loud "pop" sound when my sub woofers hit... ...hard or low notes? I've ruled out the possibility of the tweeters being pushed too hard by playing the stereo at the same volume level with the sub woofers on and off. Popping only occurs when the subs are on...
  2. J

    Do ho's like it when I pull in the new Rarri?

    Living like John Gotti
  3. J

    What is a better motorbike Honda CB400, Suzuki GS500F or Yamaha XJ6N?

    suzuki every time for me go for the gsf 600 ..the bandit is a good all rounder ...plenty of power when you need it......
  4. J

    Would u invite someone who used to gossip about you, mock you, etc?

    Would u invite someone who used to gossip about you, mock you, etc to your graduation party if they have recently said sorry about what they used to do??? They were rude but then they said sorry...Would you invite them (bitter memories are still there).
  5. J

    Any good MST3K torrents with a good amount of seeders?

    I am not against pirating MST3K due to that whole them of keeping the videos alive... Of course since then many of them have actually been released by the company for sale, you can locate those on While like I said I'm not against pirating it, due to the theme prior to dvd...
  6. J

    What's the deal with Faux newz and all their peroxided blonde women?

    You may be more comfortable watching Jersey Shore than a news and information channel.
  7. J

    Why do conservatives get on here and rant and then block people ?

    It happens in both directions. Ever wonder why Fly in the Ointment gets so few responses from Conservatives?
  8. J

    With 60% of the deficit attributed to the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy,how can

    Shouldn't you at least have a link to some little chart fabricated by the Center for American Progress to support your dubious assertion?
  9. J

    How could I find someone I meet on vacation?

    put your phone number on google..he will find you
  10. J

    How do I get an Audi R8 LMS racecar (team playstation 09) In Grand Tourismo 5 for PS

    Im not sure but i think you can win it in a Endurance race in A-Spec. You can try to trade(gift) cars with someone who has one, but you may get ripped off if you dont know that person.
  11. J

    Do you miss the sci-fi show Lost?

    yes, it was the only thing on tv that had me hooked and i the only reason i anticipated sunday nights, when it was aired here. though has to be said the ending was quite bollocks.
  12. J

    Ipod touch, Iphone, Ipad, Iphone 3, Iphone 4? Which one do you like better?

    samsung wave and galaxy s beat the iphone, yet are much cheaper. iphone is overpriced because of it's brand name.
  13. J

    MyTouch Slide or Motorola Milestone (droid)?

    both are unlocked, both have their pros and cons, but idk which one i want. which do you prefer and why?
  14. J

    how do i make a torrent down load really slowly or schedile it over a few days?

    uTorrent Torrenting program is the best! Go to the bottom right and click the DL: and select what speed you want to Dl at.
  15. J

    what is the "bell-shaped curve" dealing with government?