Recent content by Jimmyk

  1. J

    Can you make money with torrent uploads?

    It's possible, but not that great of an option. One of the only ways you're going to make money uploading torrents & sharing the links on some site that you don't own, however, is if you figure out a way to monetize the torrent's contents. People have tried this for ages & I'm highly doubting...
  2. J

    Why don't people who deny evolution understand the mountains of evidence that...

    ...they're arguing against? Don't they know they appear ignorant?
  3. J

    Why are religious people often happy to claim other religions are false, yet

    never provide...? ...evidence that theirs is true?
  4. J

    Can I use a regular bluetooth with playstation 3?

    I have a regular bluetooth, one of those little ones that fit on one ear, and I was wondering if I could use it with a playstation 3 and where the audio would play; will sound still play on my tv or will it play on the bluetooth? Also, is the bluetooth outgoing always on so everyone can hear the...
  5. J

    Can I use a regular bluetooth with playstation 3?

    I have a regular bluetooth, one of those little ones that fit on one ear, and I was wondering if I could use it with a playstation 3 and where the audio would play; will sound still play on my tv or will it play on the bluetooth? Also, is the bluetooth outgoing always on so everyone can hear the...
  6. J

    Starcraft 2 supply limit?

    Now that the game is out, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the unit limit is? In Starcraft 1 it was 200, and you could only select 12 units at a time. From replays I've watched the selection has gone up a lot, and there was some early speculation that the supply would be way high...
  7. J

    Why isn't my DVD Home Theater System working?

    Well recently I noticed that the DVD part of the Home Theater System isn't reading anything, nor does it spin. So I took the System apart to find all the missing pieces of the DVD in the drive, afterwords I placed and screwed everything back in and give it another shot, Nothing happens and now...
  8. J

    My laptop lacks the proper DVD encoder or something like that, What do i do?
  9. J

    why do people think the emo trend is dead?

    Wishful thinking?
  10. J

    I have a dell computer and want to wipe out everything inclu ding XP and start

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  11. J

    Emergency disk for my Windows XP?

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  12. J

    Emergency disk for my Windows XP?

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  13. J

    Limewire screen says scouring nyc for limes will not go away.?

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  14. J

    How much would it cost for a shop to swap Bike Cranksets?

    In terms of ballpark prices, GENERALLY speaking, how much would it cost for a shop to swap out a crankset from one bike to another another? And please no smartass answers, I really want just general opinions of people who get tendered to at Bikeshops to give me a GENERAL quote. Id ask the...
  15. J

    what is the highest number on the cholesterol scale?

    I want to know how high your cholesterol can get