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  1. J

    Can you make money with torrent uploads?

    It's possible, but not that great of an option. One of the only ways you're going to make money uploading torrents & sharing the links on some site that you don't own, however, is if you figure out a way to monetize the torrent's contents. People have tried this for ages & I'm highly doubting...
  2. J

    Why don't people who deny evolution understand the mountains of evidence that...

    ...they're arguing against? Don't they know they appear ignorant?
  3. J

    Why are religious people often happy to claim other religions are false, yet

    never provide...? ...evidence that theirs is true?
  4. J

    Can I use a regular bluetooth with playstation 3?

    I have a regular bluetooth, one of those little ones that fit on one ear, and I was wondering if I could use it with a playstation 3 and where the audio would play; will sound still play on my tv or will it play on the bluetooth? Also, is the bluetooth outgoing always on so everyone can hear the...
  5. J

    Can I use a regular bluetooth with playstation 3?

    I have a regular bluetooth, one of those little ones that fit on one ear, and I was wondering if I could use it with a playstation 3 and where the audio would play; will sound still play on my tv or will it play on the bluetooth? Also, is the bluetooth outgoing always on so everyone can hear the...
  6. J

    Starcraft 2 supply limit?

    Now that the game is out, I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the unit limit is? In Starcraft 1 it was 200, and you could only select 12 units at a time. From replays I've watched the selection has gone up a lot, and there was some early speculation that the supply would be way high...
  7. J

    Why isn't my DVD Home Theater System working?

    Well recently I noticed that the DVD part of the Home Theater System isn't reading anything, nor does it spin. So I took the System apart to find all the missing pieces of the DVD in the drive, afterwords I placed and screwed everything back in and give it another shot, Nothing happens and now...
  8. J

    My laptop lacks the proper DVD encoder or something like that, What do i do?
  9. J

    why do people think the emo trend is dead?

    Wishful thinking?
  10. J

    I have a dell computer and want to wipe out everything inclu ding XP and start

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  11. J

    Emergency disk for my Windows XP?

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  12. J

    Emergency disk for my Windows XP?

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  13. J

    Limewire screen says scouring nyc for limes will not go away.?

    visit and search the topic. there already should be an entry about this topic.
  14. J

    How much would it cost for a shop to swap Bike Cranksets?

    In terms of ballpark prices, GENERALLY speaking, how much would it cost for a shop to swap out a crankset from one bike to another another? And please no smartass answers, I really want just general opinions of people who get tendered to at Bikeshops to give me a GENERAL quote. Id ask the...
  15. J

    what is the highest number on the cholesterol scale?

    I want to know how high your cholesterol can get
  16. J

    If Republicans are "pro-life", then why do they whine because they aren't

    I'm a Democrat and I live in New Orleans. And you are allowed to own a machine gun if you get an NFA license. I personally own several weapons classified as assualt weapons which are nothing more than semi-automatic rifles. I am greatful Louisiana puts no restrictions on them Why do I own...
  17. J

    Why was Woodrow Wilson a better president than Abraham Lincoln?

    Why was Woodrow Wilson a better president than war criminal Abraham Lincoln?
  18. J

    Why do people criticize Johnsons reconstruction record when Lincoln was going to do

    the same thing? Why is it that Andrew Johnson gets such a bad rap when he was doing EXACTLY WHAT LINCOLN WOULD HAVE DONE and would have succeeded in had he not been shot? You really don't want to talk about race in this unless you want Lincoln's obvious racism. The fact remains that Johnson...
  19. J

    Who was a better president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln?

    As a proud Southerner from New Orleans, I have to go with Roosevelt. What is your answer