Recent content by JaeLynn

  1. J

    Does AB-CUTS from GNC work?

    abdominal cuts or ab-cuts from GNC. just wondering if they actually work .
  2. J

    Where can I buy a TV/VCR/DVD combo at?

    I know VCR is old fashioned but my dad is kind of older and doesnt know how to use a DVD player. he has a lot of tapes that he likes to watch and record from. I really can't find these combo sets in the store anymore. Or if you know where I could get a vcr/dvd player then I'll just hook it up...
  3. J

    Is it better to sign up with YMCA or La Fitness for a gym membership?

    YMCA says it's $31 a month and no joining fee during their promotion... LA Fitness said either pay $99 initiation fee and $29/month, or $0 initiation fee and $39 a month. You can quit La Fitness anytime but YMCA has a 1 year contract. I'm not really sure which would be better. Both have pools...
  4. J

    What gives the Mormon Church the right to call themselves Christian?

    well, i guess they believe in Christ as their saviour and as such, anyone who claims like so is therefore dubbed Christian. I personally don't believe in the Mormon way of life, but I have had several close friends growing up that were in it. I truly believe that they seem brainwashed to me...