Recent content by horsechic1990

  1. H

    What cigarette/tobacco do you smoke?

    I don't smoke. I lost many relatives to emphaseema and other lung related cancers, so I feel no urge or need to smoke.
  2. H

    poll what is something you do to try and make the world a better place?

    I sponsor a child through Compassion International who lives in Indonesia, so that he can get food and other necessities.
  3. H

    Isn't it annoying how fashion trends change so quickly?

    Yes it is really annoying! By the time I can afford the fashion, it's outdated! lol
  4. H

    sleepover next Monday what should we do that's fun all girls (no homo)?

    play truth or dare and watch movies
  5. H

    POLL: Favorite kind of candy?

    I'm addicted to Whoppers! lol
  6. H

    POLL: Dumbest celebrity ever?

    It can be any kind of celebrity, such as an actor/actress, sports star, politician, etc. It doesn't matter who you choose, as long as they are some kind of celebrity. I choose Paris Hilton. LOL
  7. H

    POLL: If you could get rid of any celebrity and never hear about them again,

    who would you pick? That means they'd dissapear off the face of this earth and they would never be heard of or seen again. I pick the Jonas Brothers.
  8. H

    poll:do feel like you need a vacation???

    haha yes it would be nice to go on a vacation, and sure you can come.
  9. H

    poll:do feel like you need a vacation???

    haha yes it would be nice to go on a vacation, and sure you can come.
  10. H

    a. Would you cheat on your spouse if you had the opportunity to spend the night...

    A. If I were married, I would want to cheat with the celebrity, but I probably wouldn't do it. B. No C. Channing Tatum D. keep it to myself E. don't know. Not married.
  11. H

    POLL: If you could get rid of any celebrity for the rest of eternity, who...

    ...would it be? That means they would be gone and could never come back. No one would hear from them again. I would choose to get rid of the Jonas Brothers for obvious reasons. LOL
  12. H

    POLL: If you could be any celebrity for a day, who would it be?

    Doesn't matter what kind of celebrity they are. I would want to be someone like Jordin Sparks so that I could meet all the other American Idol contestants.
  13. H

    Who was the most annoying celeb of 2008?

    the Jonas Brothers