Recent content by HaleyS

  1. H

    dumbest thing u have ever seen/ irony

    I love how that has nothing to do with anything. OH THE IRONING.
  2. H

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    i masterbate daily i have A.D.D Im stupid.... mmmm yeah that about it
  3. H

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Enthusiast here!! Currently riding an 07 ninja 650. I plan on upgrading to a new ducati 1198 =]. Or a Harley V rod muscle, I can't decide.
  4. H

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    You're mean Lefty
  5. H

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Divers of SUV's that don't drive on the road, instead they take up the bicycle lane. I ride a motorcycle and I see this all the time, and I'm thinking "How hard is it to drive in your lane? Gee, I wonder what would happen if there was a cyclist around the corner?"
  6. H

    Bank makes a whoopsie...

    Well you can read through previous arguments and decide for yourself really. Unethical yes. Although I imagine he could have done it for a bit of a joke and somebody signed it. Also with near unlimited credit which surely means somebody read the contract!
  7. H

    bee on a string? no, wasp is the new bee

    :runaway: Me thinks he is actually a pedo.
  8. H

    free slurpees ever when did i rat out a porn thread, ive never reported a thread or a post
  9. H

    How old are you?

  10. H

    Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant

    I've ony ever heard this up in the north. In the south and mid they all tend to ronounce it properly Em
  11. H

    How the FUCK

    The original song was about politics? I thought it was about diarrhea haha
  12. H

    recent pro life republican actions recently.

    Don't believe everything you hear. Especially if its of a political nature. You never know if its bs propaganda.
  13. H

    what does homo mean???????????????

  14. H

    My Mother said ... The Tao of Mom

    "Think ahead! It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark!"