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  1. H

    dumbest thing u have ever seen/ irony

    I love how that has nothing to do with anything. OH THE IRONING.
  2. H

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    i masterbate daily i have A.D.D Im stupid.... mmmm yeah that about it
  3. H

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Enthusiast here!! Currently riding an 07 ninja 650. I plan on upgrading to a new ducati 1198 =]. Or a Harley V rod muscle, I can't decide.
  4. H

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    You're mean Lefty
  5. H

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Divers of SUV's that don't drive on the road, instead they take up the bicycle lane. I ride a motorcycle and I see this all the time, and I'm thinking "How hard is it to drive in your lane? Gee, I wonder what would happen if there was a cyclist around the corner?"
  6. H

    Bank makes a whoopsie...

    Well you can read through previous arguments and decide for yourself really. Unethical yes. Although I imagine he could have done it for a bit of a joke and somebody signed it. Also with near unlimited credit which surely means somebody read the contract!
  7. H

    bee on a string? no, wasp is the new bee

    :runaway: Me thinks he is actually a pedo.
  8. H

    free slurpees ever when did i rat out a porn thread, ive never reported a thread or a post
  9. H

    How old are you?

  10. H

    Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Sant

    I've ony ever heard this up in the north. In the south and mid they all tend to ronounce it properly Em
  11. H

    How the FUCK

    The original song was about politics? I thought it was about diarrhea haha
  12. H

    recent pro life republican actions recently.

    Don't believe everything you hear. Especially if its of a political nature. You never know if its bs propaganda.
  13. H

    what does homo mean???????????????

  14. H

    My Mother said ... The Tao of Mom

    "Think ahead! It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark!"
  15. H

    How much do you get into Christmas?

    Uhh.. damn... guess that's not sugar icing on my trouser leg then is it..
  16. H


    You truly were living in a Brave New World
  17. H

    Research takes a hit, Stem Cell.

    Next you'll be telling us you belong to the family of nutjobs that are animal rights activists.
  18. H

    will my itouch work with my ihome 9?

    i have i home 9 looks like this do you know if it will play in it? and do you know about using JAJAH on it because it owuld be cool if it realy works? wat all can you do with the i pod touch what is about 4 cool...
  19. H

    Have you ever met any "Hozers"?
