Recent content by Frankthetank1

  1. F

    What else should I do if cannot record them doing the karate techniques...

    Easy. If people don't want you to record them, then don't. Here's another idea: get another hobby.
  2. F

    Are UFC fights scripted?

    If you already know the answer, why do you even ask?
  3. F

    Are ufc players using snake fist kungfu ? do ufc players train in china to...

    There is no statistical data as far as habits (eating and otherwise), of people who play the UFC videogames. So to answer your question, there is no way to tell. Noodles are very popular, it's a safe bet that video game players eat noodles.
  4. F

    What other martial art should i take since i am a 2 degree black belt in karate?

    One that is close to you, under a good instructor/school.
  5. F

    Does anybody know how to find the Frank Mir vs Antonio Nogueira Fight (UFC 140) on

    You will not find it on youtube, they are quickly taken down due to copyright infringement.
  6. F

    Which MMA fighters use/used the combination of Judo and Karate?

    Manvel Gamburyan. He is a 3rd dan black belt in Judo and 2nd dan black belt in Kyokushin karate.
  7. F

    who are some well known UFC managers?

    Dana White, he is the best known UFC manager.
  8. F

    How do we have to break the board for our Red with one stripe test at Kicks karate?

    By hitting it as per your teacher's instruction.
  9. F

    MMA experts Please Answer this!?

    A previous injured cracked the bone, thus breaking with the final hit.
  10. F

    do you need a black belt to get into mma please help?

    No. MMA is a sport, you don't need any belts to practice a sport. All you have to do is go to an MMA gym and sign up for classes.
  11. F

    Kenpo karate instructor not fair?

    That would be up to the instructor. I you are training just for the belts, you won't learn properly.
  12. F

    Im thinking about getting into MMA?

    You are going to learn fighting techniques utilized in the sport of MMA. I have only taken a few MMA classes, they have been very good. Yes, it can help you get fit and toned, as long as you combine it with the proper diet.
  13. F

    Which martial arts style would you suggest?

    One that is close to your home, that you can take as often as possible, under a good instructor. Check out martial art schools in your area, try at least one class and then decide.
  14. F

    When is the next ufc fight on fox?

    Hopefully never. They showed 1 hour of commercials, and only the main event fight , which lasted last than a minute. Absolutely absurd.