Recent content by evo741hpr3

  1. E

    ،hey st su cinco de mayo!!

    you're a fucking dildo this thread ended a month ago
  2. E

    best drink fucking ever

    Mikes hard.
  3. E

    New mountain dew

    Arizona's sweet tea is great, and it's like 1$ for one of the large cans. But then again Jones = Arizone > * Wait.. what?
  4. E

    Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

    The supernanny style is the best.
  5. E

    Book review- Street Sword by Phil Elmore

    KH have you seenmy new avatar slogan.
  6. E

    so i just bought a.........

    stun people.
  7. E

    transfer of ownership with firearms

    just dont do it legaly
  8. E

    Lion Cash?

    we must all write VLN on his shirt now? i totaly agree.. and i want one of these lions edit: now taking ubernoobs idea.. Dodgies will be in full production
  9. E

    Balls Twisty

    Its called testicular torsion, you can lose your nuts in 6 hours cause of the lack of bloodflow. My doctor described it in vivid detail :xeyed:
  10. E

    A sign from the gods (epic story)

    good story, Harry. same goes for Jae.C especially. i havent smoked in 5 days. (lack of funds) im extremely jealous.
  11. E

    Dare to Fight

    Would be awesome to do a charge on him with a big group of friends dressed as Spartans!
  12. E

    Photography Thread 4

    That's a pretty good deal, but if you're looking to get into photography, I'd go for a canon 550d with the kit lens (I would recommend the 450d too, it's a bit cheaper and just as good, but the only place you can buy them now is ebay. However, 450d doesn't do video, 550d does videos and photos)...
  13. E

    Why marriage?

    Having kids is a lifetime commitment. Getting married is not.
  14. E

    Pepsi gunna give me teh aids?

    water/corn syrup viscosity
  15. E

    How do you deal with sudden rage?

    This. road rage is no joke. I had a guy who had eyes like Satan and spoke like him too curse at me loudly "WHAT THE heck ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" BECAUSE I HAPPENED TO GLANCE AT HIM ONCE. and aft4er yelling at me a few times he scared the crap out of me, my mom yelled "what THE heck IS YOUR...