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  1. E

    ،hey st su cinco de mayo!!

    you're a fucking dildo this thread ended a month ago
  2. E

    best drink fucking ever

    Mikes hard.
  3. E

    New mountain dew

    Arizona's sweet tea is great, and it's like 1$ for one of the large cans. But then again Jones = Arizone > * Wait.. what?
  4. E

    Should parents be allowed to smack their children?

    The supernanny style is the best.
  5. E

    Book review- Street Sword by Phil Elmore

    KH have you seenmy new avatar slogan.
  6. E

    so i just bought a.........

    stun people.
  7. E

    transfer of ownership with firearms

    just dont do it legaly
  8. E

    Lion Cash?

    we must all write VLN on his shirt now? i totaly agree.. and i want one of these lions edit: now taking ubernoobs idea.. Dodgies will be in full production
  9. E

    Balls Twisty

    Its called testicular torsion, you can lose your nuts in 6 hours cause of the lack of bloodflow. My doctor described it in vivid detail :xeyed:
  10. E

    A sign from the gods (epic story)

    good story, Harry. same goes for Jae.C especially. i havent smoked in 5 days. (lack of funds) im extremely jealous.
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    Dare to Fight

    Would be awesome to do a charge on him with a big group of friends dressed as Spartans!
  12. E

    Photography Thread 4

    That's a pretty good deal, but if you're looking to get into photography, I'd go for a canon 550d with the kit lens (I would recommend the 450d too, it's a bit cheaper and just as good, but the only place you can buy them now is ebay. However, 450d doesn't do video, 550d does videos and photos)...
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    Why marriage?

    Having kids is a lifetime commitment. Getting married is not.
  14. E

    Pepsi gunna give me teh aids?

    water/corn syrup viscosity
  15. E

    How do you deal with sudden rage?

    This. road rage is no joke. I had a guy who had eyes like Satan and spoke like him too curse at me loudly "WHAT THE heck ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" BECAUSE I HAPPENED TO GLANCE AT HIM ONCE. and aft4er yelling at me a few times he scared the crap out of me, my mom yelled "what THE heck IS YOUR...
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    gray or grey?

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    Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?

    Graduated and off to a tax haven to start making me some real money :cool:
  18. E

    the line between privacy and security?

    And that approach is to blindly give up all the freedoms that separate the west from the fascist groups and countries that it is supposed to be better than?
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    Ah beauty cheers Moi
  20. E

    Are you Evil?

    I found this Evil test on the same site that KickChick got her Naughty Or Nice test from. Here's what I got (it was just begging me to answer it ) The higher the dot on the scale, the more evil you are. Finally, the truth is revealed — you're pure evil. But so are lots of successful people...