Recent content by DrDoom

  1. D

    How much money would it take for you to sell out?

    2 mil.. maybe...
  2. D

    Weirdest jobs for final

    Write fortune cookie shit.
  3. D

    MAP Apology thread

    bcullen, me a favour and hold your breath while I think of how I should apologise to you or whether I even need to. Su Lin, I'm sorry about all the panda jokes and mockery. You don't deserve that at all
  4. D

    Happy ANZAC day

    is this some kind of fucked up Aussie holiday?....
  5. D

    The Star Wars pants game

    From Empire Strikes back LUKE: (looking at the creature) Like we're being watched! CREATURE: Away with your pants! I mean you no harm. After some hesitation, Luke puts away his weapon, although he really doesn't understand why. Artoo watches with interest. CREATURE: I am...
  6. D

    The Great Spelling Question Thread!

    The one that annoys me is whether and weather, i.e. He didn't know whether to go to class or not. Look at the weather! It's raining hard! Gets me every time. And the number of times people get pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis wrong baffles me too!
  7. D

    Look what we stole from the gas station

    fucking win :tup:
  8. D

    Thought of the Day

    Hmm, maybe we can spin this to make people supporting members? Not sure how many want to see username Ero-Sennin in a MAP thong though. Maybe if I do this in a MAP thong . . . ? Old man dances like a boss! - YouTube
  9. D

    Epic Pokemon Thread

    Fuck you, and your blue eyes white dragon.
  10. D

    Boner Pants

    no, your just a fat kid :dodgyrun: :dodgy: :dodgyrun: :dodgy: :dodgyrun:
  11. D

    Gaddafi son capture

    I don't reckon he is going to live too much longer. The Bear.
  12. D

    Decent documentary films

    I watched this mini documentary a few weeks ago on the net about subliminal messages in adverts. Freaked me the hell out!
  13. D

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand!

    "Cliques" in school that you ABSOLUTELY cant stand! Yeah never goto the onr high school in wyoming.
  14. D

    Fancy going here for your next vacation?

    Doesn't gravity depend on the size of the planet, but mass depends on the contents of it? I assume it's slightly bigger but made up of denser materials or something
  15. D

    Obama come out in support of gay marriage

    Unfortunately that's how it is. Most people are not logical/rational thinkers, so if you want convince them of something, then you have to appeal to their emotional side.