Recent content by ChristTrytoRelaxeeet

  1. C

    Spiritually whining.. did you get blocked too..?

    No offense, Girl From Rivo, but that sounds like "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." =) - atheist
  2. C

    To all theist, will this make you laugh?

    Trying to get me to sign into Deviant Art, are you? Or do all theists somehow have a Deviant Art profile? - atheist
  3. C

    When asking simple questions as to why Christians hold certain beliefs, why am I

    greeted with rage? I can't count how many times I was told to read the Bible. On the contrary, I've read it from cover to cover. It is as if reading the Bible is supposed to automatically make one a Christian. And it is aside from the question. I am questioning Christians, NOT Christianity. The...
  4. C

    why do people get really obsessed with prophecy's and numerology?

    I know right? We've been in the end times for the last 2,000 years. If it takes yet another 2,000 years, I'm sure we don't have to pack our bags just yet.