Recent content by BennyBoy

  1. B

    Dad Killed Baby Over Broken Xbox

  2. B

    mountain dew baja blast

    It's in just about all Taco Bells... so you aren't that special, sorry.
  3. B

    david cook won

    American Idol can die.
  4. B

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    So are half the muslim countries if you go back far enough. Keep up there buddy.
  5. B

    earliest class this year

    you should probably switch it back to 9:30 so your wrangler has time to make it there. i think i have a 9:30 class, i should brush up on my scedual. but my classes end at 4:00 though so i will be around campus for the good part of 4 1/2 hours.
  6. B

    Election 2005 - i give you the best party ever, to quote their defence policy from their official manifesto - "Any politician wanting to start a war will be shipped off to the country in question with a bag of conkers. They can then conker the country themselves." Being serious i will...
  7. B

    Did Jesus Work Out?

    Wasnt that just in his "personal ad"
  8. B

    Prayers for Turkey

    Having experienced an earthquake whilst on holiday a couple of weeks ago - I now know how terrifying it can be... All good thoughts to anyone affected by it.
  9. B

    stereo on audi tt 2003 wont reset with correct code ?

    My battery recently died on my tt , the stereo has gone into safe mode but wont reset with the corect code from the manual ?? I have used this code before and has worked every time ! but now for some reason it wont ?? any ideas would be great !!
  10. B

    Please Vote.

    Guess I'll jump in on this one and urge all Americans to vote as well. I am less than thrilled about either choice for president but probably both are better than previous President George W. Bush who was a major douche nozzle (I attribute my new found vocabulary to Blade96 ). What are equally...
  11. B

    US embassies attacked

    Out of all religions, which "generally","overall" "in most cases" , tends to take to the streets in protest, burning of effigies. Hunting down, stoning etc etc of individuals. Again I am not saying all Muslim's are violent extremists, but go take the last 10 incidents of religious violent...
  12. B

    Adopting a Dog

    Ask your husband. But do not complain about how tired you are tomorrow.
  13. B

    Is verizon going to get the iPhone?

    i want to get the iphone but from verizon and I have heard a rumer they are going to get the iphone but if not then im gunna get the itouch!! what should i do? and is verizon going to get the iphone cause i get a discount with verizon from my work!!!???
  14. B

    So im getting a retainer tomorrow. question.

    He'd be lucky to sound like Elton John.