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    Dad Killed Baby Over Broken Xbox

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    mountain dew baja blast

    It's in just about all Taco Bells... so you aren't that special, sorry.
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    david cook won

    American Idol can die.
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    So are half the muslim countries if you go back far enough. Keep up there buddy.
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    earliest class this year

    you should probably switch it back to 9:30 so your wrangler has time to make it there. i think i have a 9:30 class, i should brush up on my scedual. but my classes end at 4:00 though so i will be around campus for the good part of 4 1/2 hours.
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    Election 2005 - i give you the best party ever, to quote their defence policy from their official manifesto - "Any politician wanting to start a war will be shipped off to the country in question with a bag of conkers. They can then conker the country themselves." Being serious i will...
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    Did Jesus Work Out?

    Wasnt that just in his "personal ad"
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    Prayers for Turkey

    Having experienced an earthquake whilst on holiday a couple of weeks ago - I now know how terrifying it can be... All good thoughts to anyone affected by it.
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    stereo on audi tt 2003 wont reset with correct code ?

    My battery recently died on my tt , the stereo has gone into safe mode but wont reset with the corect code from the manual ?? I have used this code before and has worked every time ! but now for some reason it wont ?? any ideas would be great !!
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    Please Vote.

    Guess I'll jump in on this one and urge all Americans to vote as well. I am less than thrilled about either choice for president but probably both are better than previous President George W. Bush who was a major douche nozzle (I attribute my new found vocabulary to Blade96 ). What are equally...
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    US embassies attacked

    Out of all religions, which "generally","overall" "in most cases" , tends to take to the streets in protest, burning of effigies. Hunting down, stoning etc etc of individuals. Again I am not saying all Muslim's are violent extremists, but go take the last 10 incidents of religious violent...
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    Adopting a Dog

    Ask your husband. But do not complain about how tired you are tomorrow.
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    Is verizon going to get the iPhone?

    i want to get the iphone but from verizon and I have heard a rumer they are going to get the iphone but if not then im gunna get the itouch!! what should i do? and is verizon going to get the iphone cause i get a discount with verizon from my work!!!???
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    So im getting a retainer tomorrow. question.

    He'd be lucky to sound like Elton John.
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    is it just me

    No, that was me, I'm Canadian. Dipshit.
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    If you were a Fed Ex worker and got stranded on an island with a bunch of packages..

    1. Open it 2. Use item to get off island 3. Buy identical item when back in the states 4. Reseal box 5. Get laid by cowgirl 6. 7. Live happily ever after
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    Drug dealers smashed my car!

    I went on holiday a few years ago, and was doing a guided tour of some caves. The tour guide, bless her, decided to try and break the ice with some of the people. She asked a couple of people where they were from, and they said "Poland". She obviously hadn't been paying attention in Geography...
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    Protests in Arab world

    The Fleet Air Arm isn't part of the RAF (is it?)
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    epic teabag
