Recent content by Agent47

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    Where can I discuss marathi songs?

    Join some groups on Facebook. Sure there would be a lot. Facebook groups have latest info. Try on it.
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    Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?"

    Systemx29 says: "Have you ever broken into an abandoned, or active powerplant?" :tup: :tup: :tup: again an awesome thread, first story was pretty intense. 12 monkeys.. i seen that :)
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    Downloading games of the xbox live marketplace?

    I wanna buy skyrim but do i need to be connected to xbox live to play it or no.?
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    Jehovah's Witnesses, how good you are in following Christ?

    These are the some of the teachings of Christ and how well (obviously not perfect but still genuinely well) Jehovah's witnesses follow these teachings: 1. "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you" - Matthew 5:44 "The established churches are CORRUPT, WORLDLY, and devoid of divine...
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    Messed up leg

    Honestly if anyone ever did that to me, I would probably just kill them. I would use the time healing up to thing of fool proof ways to do away with them. :nododgy:
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    Meanest fucking prank ever.

    that wuz lulz
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    St - Rate My Mega Sammich

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    What weapon should I use for my novel?

    Claw hammer or Carving knife
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    is there a diffrence betwwen martial arts and mixed martial arts?

    Martial arts whether "mixed" or not does require training and practice of the techniques. Martial arts is the art developed by single type of people in their own region to overcome the problems faced in their type of fight. Mixed martial arts is a sport ring that combines many martial arts of...
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    get your time of death

    Your Personal Day of Death is... Monday, November 19, 2057 Seconds left to live... 1,577,534,175
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    christmas lists

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    What is brown and rhymes with snoop?

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    any website where i can read the full credits of a movie?

    If not, what's the best place to see the full cast of a movie?