Recent content by AdamFalcon

  1. A

    what do u love about your martial art?

    I love everything about it. I do Shotokan Karate for the record. I really get in to the tradition and philosophy of Karate as much as the physical techniques. I like developing my discipline, self control, and .....zen, I suppose you could say. And the physical training gives me self esteem and...
  2. A

    what do u love about your martial art?

    I love everything about it. I do Shotokan Karate for the record. I really get in to the tradition and philosophy of Karate as much as the physical techniques. I like developing my discipline, self control, and .....zen, I suppose you could say. And the physical training gives me self esteem and...
  3. A

    Any quick tips to alleviateing this injury in Karate? Best Answer.?

    Ok, so I do Shotokan Karate. Anywho... I was sparring this morning with a friend of mine who does Boka Tau (I have no idea how its spelled). I threw a roundhouse kick at his ribs and is his styles way, he blocked it with his knee and it caught the muscle on the side of...
  4. A

    what do we think about machida karate ?

    Is Machida Karate different than regular? I do Shotokan and his moves look like Shotokan to me... Karate is a powerful style, don't be so close minded. You've seen to many "McDojo" competitors and "false masters" to know what real Karate is like. Even Machida is far from a master of Karate.
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    if you punch or karate chop someone in the throat can they die?

    Yes it certainly can. You should always avoid striking someone in the throat because with enough force and percision you can collapse their esophagus causing them to suffocate to death.
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    chick lit vs manfiction?

    Chick lit has a much bigger following. I think thats mainly because girls tend to read more than guys do. What do you mean what is my views on them? Uhhh...they're ok?
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    how long does it take to advance belts in karate?

    That all depends on three things..... Your sensei/dojo/organization.... and what their standards are. Some have a time requirement AND then your skill level, and some are just your skill level. Also, the standards very greatly depending on the sensei. Yourself.... how hard you train, how often...
  8. A

    Who would win a TKD black belt or a karate black belt?

    I take Shotokan Karate and a friend of mine is a black belt in TKD. We practice and spar togethor sometimes. It surprised me at first until he explained... Because aside from the occassional advanced kick he fought very similarly to myself. When you get a very traditional TKD guy its nothing...
  9. A

    Is it possible to effectively teach yourself karate from a dvd?

    No you really can't.... I good instructor is essential. Its the only way to learn it. From a DVD you can't ask questions and or get corrections and tips.
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    Where can I watch Naruto Shippuden in English? Best Answer!?

    Like the title says I want to watch Naruto Shippuden but I do not like reading subtitles. Nothing against them and I have respect for the Japanese actors and all..its just frankly I'm lazy and hate having to read them, just takes away some of the enjoyment for me. Also...with subtitles I have to...
  11. A

    How much would it cost to take karate lessons or a class?

    Like everyone else says... it just depends on the sensei/school. For instance my sensei doesn't charge anything. The classes are free.... but they do charge for belt testings and tournaments.
  12. A

    What is that karate move called when you are lying on your back and get up

    No actually asshole its not a karate move. Not really anyway. Its just a gymnastics move that martial artists use sometimes. I think its called a kick up.
  13. A

    which movie is better Never Back Down or Karate Kid?

    Karate Kid no doubt.... Its a movie about real martial arts not that street brawling junk. Sure its corney...but then again its old. But the fighting is real and the wisdom of Mr Miyagi is real and very traditional. Oh and to the guy who said Karate kid was to acrobatic.... what in the Karate...
  14. A

    Do people who have been doing karate for years have nice bodies?

    It really depends but no not neccsarily. Its really up to the individual person. I find that Karate works my legs and upper body really well...but not alot on my stomache. I have been doing karate for a little over 2 years and I have a definate belly still. If you want to get your body in to...
  15. A

    Mixed Martial Arts ; Whats Your Top 2 Grappling Styles ... What's Your Top 2...

    Thats really impossible... All forms of martial arts are effective. There isn't one better than another. But I dunno...I'd have to say as far as which ones are my favorite. Grappling: Judo Jui Jitsu (I don't mean BJJ...I really have no idea about that, never seen any of it) Striking: Karate...