Why is my fat mostly concentrated to my mid-section and nowhere else?


New member
Feb 8, 2009
hi, im a 280lb. 16 year old as much as i hate to say it. but my torso, stomach, thighs, and back is mostly where my fat is concentrated. like i have fat in my arms are legs but my legs are muscular and slender as heck. now my arms are kinda chubby but not that much. someone has even said to me "phil you don't have fat arms for a fat kid." i laughed. but when i see other kids my size they have much fat in their legs and arms. so just let me know. thanks!
some people just have naturally more fat cells in different places, wherever there's more fat cells, that's where you have the opportunity to grow more fat, so if you don't have a lot in your arms but you do in your mid section you just have more potential fat cells there
It's all genetics. Some people spread the fat around, others have a fat belly. I suggest you look into losing that weight, though. It's unhealthy, and if you're 280# at 16 you'll be much heavier when you get older.

Don't try fad diets, either. You need to change your lifestyle. Talk to a doctor, get out and be more active, and try to eat healthier (avoid fast food.)

Good luck.
The mid-section is where natural body-fat is stored. Natural body fat is extremely hard to get rid off. Also, we don't get much exercise in our mid-sections, do we?
hm...dude, you're simply fat. not important where it is. it's not healthy. it's in your stomach because you don't use your abs much, but you probably walk and raise weights without even realizing (for example : walking to school, carrying groceries). also, there may be hereditary factors included (look at your overweight blood relatives and compare yourself to them and you get the picture).
males and females are diff
in males the fat is in stomach thighs and back
in females its ther hips
remeber everybody is diff
Not for everybody but your considered a middleweight, which means, all your fat is in your middle :)
maybe genetically that's where you gain fat first. I only gain fat in my stomach and love handles. Everywhere else on my body is slim.
You know I had the same problem, I was 260lb and 17.
I think it comes from eating lots of fatty foods, yah I think thats right.
I am now 18 and 204lb, it's a lot of work though.

Hold off on the junk food, thats my advice to you.
maybe genetically that's where you gain fat first. I only gain fat in my stomach and love handles. Everywhere else on my body is slim.
My husband, who is much older than you, has always tended to gain weight in the same areas as you. I think this is the usual pattern for men, because of their hormones (most young women will gain weight in their hips and bottoms until they go through menopause, when their hormones change and they develop the man's style of fat gain, in the tummies). It's really hard to change your hormones. You just have to exercise, and hope to get rid of unnecessary fat. However, a little bit of fat is healthy and good-looking (better than too skinny, in my opinion, especially for men). So don't worry if it's just a little bit of fat, but if it's a lot of fat, you need to worry, as it affects your health, as well as your looks. But in general, your hormones determine where your fat is distributed.
You know I had the same problem, I was 260lb and 17.
I think it comes from eating lots of fatty foods, yah I think thats right.
I am now 18 and 204lb, it's a lot of work though.

Hold off on the junk food, thats my advice to you.