How Can I improve my Screaming?


New member
Feb 16, 2009
I'm trying to start a band where I will be the screamer... and I was just wondering if there was anything I can do to improve my screaming skills. I can scream already, but everytime I try to scream a bit louder, my scream sounds more like I'm gasping for air. anyone help?
i can only laugh, imagining u, trying to scream haaaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa
now u dont need any lessons
i m sure u, now u badly want to scream
I would recommend closing your eyes and imagining the most horrifying movie/moment/person in your life and run from that. If that doesn't help you, just practice your screaming for a while. It'll improve, no doubt about that. And the gasping for air part, don't worry, you're probably just out of breath and need to get into better shape. No biggie. : )

Seriously, I think the screamers are the most awesome part of a band, so you rock!!!! and good luck.