You're more likely to survive and accident driving a truck rather than a sedan right?


May 14, 2008
To me, the answer is obvious but my dad doesn't think so. I guess because he wants to buy me a cheaper car. ugh

(i'm a girl though....i guess you can tell by my name, but yeah. i don't care if it looks too macho...i want a big vehicle because i'm really scared of dying on the road)
I never heard of that. I actually think cars are safer for surviving an accident than a pickup truck. Pickup trucks and SUVs are more likely to roll over than a car. I drive a Honda Accord and they are one of the safest cars (and reliable) on the road. Toyota Camry is also a safe car as far as crash statistics show.
Well it is true that trucks are more safe than cars are however you can still die in a car accident in a truck as well as a car. However you are right about the chances of survival in a truck crash. The main reason why this is true is of course the weight of the truck. Trucks are larger than sedans are which means when they collide they can sustain more impact. Also in a larger vehicle there is more room to move around in and more protection from the impact. In a sedan, you may increase the risk of injury because the car is more likely to be crushed. The crumple zones are less than that of a truck which means you have more risk of injury. The more crumple zones on a vehicle the more impact it can sustain. So you aren't wrong but your dad is incorrect. Trucks are better for sustaining impact. I think you should drive what you want. As long as you feel comfortable driving a truck go for it.