What's the name of that song in the LG Cookie commercial?


Apr 6, 2008
My girlfriend just asked me about this song she cant find the name of that she heard and was featured on the LG Cookie commercial...I know its Mozart's Symphony no. 40, but this song on the commercial is remixed. What is the name of the remixed version? Any help would be appreciated.
Cute Girl in the same LG Cookie Touch phone Mozart commercial:

Forget the song! For that matter, forget the phone itself! More importantly here, we should be asking ourselves who that extremely adorable actress/model in the commercial is! Who is that cute girl? What's her name? Has she been in any other TV or internet productions? Is she on IMDB? LG is a Korean Company. Is she an actress that works on Korean TV? She's one of the cutest things to come down the pike in a long time. I almost bought this phone because of her, and I don't even need another phone!
Here's a link:
Hot Girl Playing Mozart On Touch Phone | SPIKE
Heey Guyz .. There's A Song In LG's Commercial Goes Like " if life's ok let's make it good . if life's good let's make it better " .. i rely like the song .. but whats it name ? :( help !