How do you know that your religion is the right one?


May 14, 2008
Yes, you'll say it says so in the bible. All religions will say that, so how do we know who had it right. Is it possible you have it wrong?? Why??
some people would say you dont really know.
i would say you just feel it when its the right religion,
you would feel the difference between all the others.
if you really want to know, try praying and God will show you the right way,
well whichever God you choose to pray for.
i think christianity is the right religion, but we all have our own choices..
All religions say the Bible says their religion is right? I don't think so.

I think my religion is right because I've read a butt ton of books, debates, and articles about it, and I have what seem to me to be good grounds for thinking it's right.

Of course it's possible that I'm wrong. I just don't think I am.