Do You Believe That animals can understand us, and know what we are feeling?


New member
Feb 8, 2009
I am an animal lover, and i believe that animals understand me, and can tell what im feeling.
like for example i am sick right now, laying in bed. my cat (who is usually not on my bed ever.) is laying right by my side, and when i say something to her it always seems like she understands, and is responding.

how do you feel about this?
I totally Understand
I think they totally know when were upset, or sick, or angry, etc. etc.
my animals do the exact same thing and they definitely listen to you

its a wonderful thing to have an animal that cares so much about you that they will try taking care of YOU =D
if your feeling down they can either try to cheer you up by wagging there tail or theyll just walk away, my dog a nova scotia duck tolling retriever can tell the difference between healthy teenagers old people little kids aand just people that dont want to be botherd, like he would never jump on an old person he would just let them pet him and same with small children. but if your an adult or a teen he'll get really playful and start running around, jumping trying to get you to throw the ball at him. so yes in a way
Animals, particularly pets, know when you are ill. They don't necessarily know what you are saying to them, but they know when you are not well.
i did feel that way for years and then realized they generally also go on tones of voice and stuff if you are angry at them and they do something wrong which they do know you will lower your voice and mannerismsand this is how they see it and if you are nice and nicely to them that is how they interpret it but i had a dog i swear that she knew what i was saying and maybe she did not sure but there aretwo schools of thought on this subject. i do feel my yorkie knows what is up but then gain i am not sure but love him to death and therefore what i fhink is what i do so what others think i dont' care.
When you say things, animals can interpret them by the tone of your voice. Eventually they learn them, even though they don't speak English.
I disagree with answer number one!!! BIG TIME!!

I believe that my pets understand what I say, they know when i'm upset or when i'm happy - they're not f*cking stupid.... Maybe except for the fish, but my dog understands me