Did the Depo Provera shot give you an everlasting period?


May 11, 2008
I got my first shot of depo last thursday. It was the 4th day of my period. I'm still bleeding (it's now day 11 of aunt flow) with no sign of slowing down.
The reason my gyno recommended the shot in the first place is because I've been having long (8-12 day) periods with short cycles... about 22 days. Leaving me with about 1 1/2 weeks at a time period-free. However, the 1st and last couple days were normally light. So, this is definitely worse than before the shot.
I knew that this was a risk, but have alot of ladies experienced this? How long did it take for the shot to lessen or eliminate your period if this is the outcome you had with your first injection?

A friend of mine got that shot a few years ago and she bled on and off for about 6 months, having only (on average) a week of no bleeding each month. She's the only person I know to have gotten that shot, but it could just be her body. I'd consult your doctor and ask about it, that's the only person you'll get a correct answer from because he/she knows your body.