what do i pack for my trip to D.C with my classs?!!!!?


New member
Feb 11, 2009
The weather will be rainy be sure to bring an umbrella and
3 pairs of pants
4 pairs of shirts
1 overcoat
1 raincoat
5 pairs of underwear
6 pairs of socks (rainy weather = wet socks, so bring extras)
Ask if you can bring Airborn or Motion sickness pills if you have
never been on a plane before. I had a friend who had never traveled
and she got really really sick on the plane.

Other than that have fun! And bring a camera that you will never leave out of sight. I recommend a digital because most of the film cameras (esp the disposable) get ruined when getting scanned at customs checking. Trust me I had all of my film ruied when going through the machines.
i am in 8th grader from washington, my 8th grade core (language arts and social studies) class is taking a 5 day field trip to Washington D.C. im so exited! ive never crossed the country before. i have NO IDEA of what to pack?! were leaving at the end of march, so what will the weather be like in D.C? and what will i need to pack? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!:)
Pack very lightly. It's always easier to travel that way. Bring one pair of nice slacks and one pair of jeans. Wear one pair of comfortable walking shoes. Don't pack more than one pair of shoes. Buy small travel size toothpaste and toiletries that can be bought at any drug store. Bring a hair brush and one pair of glasses and one sunglasses (if you wear glasses).

Washington DC packing&advice:)

Hey I'm a girl and going on this trip.. but remember since i'm a girl i'm doing more than a guy would cause well i'm a girl. hope this helps:
-5 pants
-like 6 undies (incase you spill something or idk what your business is)
-bunch of socks
-7shirts (never know if you'll wanna change!)
-face wash
- shampoo conditioner
-tooth paste & brush
-poncho (little $1 one)
traveling light is good, but you also have to expect for the unexpected. I say if you can lift it... bring it!
extra tips:
-don't be a woos and bring your own blankets and crap hotel will have them and they're clean.
-you have no idea if they'll have shampoo or what it'll do to your hair.. or if you gottta share it with your buds
-pack lots of socks and undies.. they're small!
-don't bring a lot of beauty crap unless you really need it.. like my friend said she was bringing nail polish and face masks and stuff.. that's a fail
-pack for hot &&&&&& cold, wet &&&& dry
-don't do shit. Drugs and smooching may seem fun but they are not kidding about the sending you home on a plan. also don't mess around follow the rules its not lame and the teachers/chaperons will like you better
-SLEEP! all nighters and playing video games all night is not fun the next day.
-wear good walking shoes. blisters blisters blisters = no fun what so ever
-bring a camera!:) but don't abuse it.
-shut your trap when you wanna complain. this is gonna be awesome
I am going to washington dc too! in june.. im sooo excited but i dont know what to pack either.. i guess its warm but i dont if my school will have a dress code for it