How do you like my poem about religion?


May 12, 2008
The Scourge of Man

It Divides it discriminates it justifies wrongs
Conflicts and feuds millennia long
A group of stories written so long ago
We don’t even know
Can’t even prove if these people once lived
Denying the facts in favor of faith
For a book in which a man gives his daughters to be raped
And you think this qualifies as a moral code?
Ignoring science not only in church but in schools and at home
Being led like sheep into the church, the slaughterhouse, the birthplace of injustice
Two Responsible adults banned from ceremonially expressing their love
because some politician has an imaginary friend in the sky above
who thinks it’s a sin because these two adults happen to both be men
two indiscernible faiths fighting for ages over a strip of land because each thinks that their god promised it to them
native American culture eliminated
forcefully assimilated
into the Christian way of life
I would have no problem with Christian zealots if they were more Christ like
Following the example of the fictional man who's values they claim to hold so dear
While they drive to their elaborate churches in their SUV’s wearing dresses suits and fancy vests
Their Sunday best
Passing by homeless shelters, hospitals, and rehab centers ready to worship a man who preached humility and charity
I cannot worship a god who is all forgiving, yet eternally damns dissidents
I cannot worship a god who gave his creation logic and the five senses, but intended us not to use them, and replace them with faith
I cannot worship a god who knows the future yet tests his subjects anyway
I cannot worship a god who is such a bold contradiction to his own existence
Because I have logic
And I use the five senses
And I choose to think for myself
And I choose to live my life based on facts, and what I can see, and what I can touch, and what I can measure, and what can be proven, but not on a book that says a man should be stoned by his neighbors for picking up a stick on the sabbath
let me also add that this was for a class and was supposed to be in the style of slam poetry. if you go on youtube and look at def jam poetry its supposed to be kinda like that
I see you belong to the William McGonnagall school of metre and rhyme.

I suspect Seamus Heaney is not shitting his breeches in fear just yet.