What is a good mid-range airsoft gun for cqb that can shoot 300 fps?


New member
Jul 12, 2008
I suggest the galaxy Mpk5 from airsplat. Another gun is the cm030 AEP that only costs 60 bucks with shipping, metal gear box. But then again its only like 250 fps...
im a beginner for airsoft and have no gear except for my paintball stuff my budget is 100-200 dollars
M4 is a good and durable gun. An MP5 is also a pretty good gun. The most expensive and best gun however, would be a Tokyo Marui or Classic Army P90. <- Most recommended.
M4 is a good and durable gun. An MP5 is also a pretty good gun. The most expensive and best gun however, would be a Tokyo Marui or Classic Army P90. <- Most recommended.
M4 is a good and durable gun. An MP5 is also a pretty good gun. The most expensive and best gun however, would be a Tokyo Marui or Classic Army P90. <- Most recommended.
M4 is a good and durable gun. An MP5 is also a pretty good gun. The most expensive and best gun however, would be a Tokyo Marui or Classic Army P90. <- Most recommended.