How can I get a celebrity boyfriend?


Jun 5, 2008
I just want to say, I'm not shallow, i just want to experience what it's like to go out with someone famous. It is a genuine, intellectual interest, though I would not mess anyone around if we weren't good as a couple.
Aren't you getting married? That's what all of your other questions, what, are you like 14 or something?
You're serious? I can't imagine anyone would want to date someone who would look to dating them just as an experiment in society movements! You would also probably find that famous people are extremely wary of people they don't know, more specifically, people they don't know who aren't famous. If you're interested in the fame game, try to get famous yourself, rather than hanging on to someone else.
Well you could always hang around the local clubs they visit. but why would anyone want someone like that?
Gramma swear that ANY GIRL can get ANY BOY if she plays him right.
She also swear that men are visually aroused and swears that this advice here below REALLY WORKS;

My grandma always told us this trick they used to do on men in the old days when she was a teenager.

First of all, the girl must go commando on the day that she plans her action.
She should wear a flair type skirt and a pretty blouse....
Once she has his attention, she must squat on one knee as if to tie a shoe lace, and allow him to "accidentally" see that she is going commando.
She must not let him look for long enough that he can actually see clearly, but keep him guessing if he had seen what he had actually seen.
Gramma says that this uncertainty sparks a man's interest and keeps them pursuing the girl until she accepts him.
hahahahahahaha i don't really think you can if your not a celeb yourself!!! I have the best boyfriend ever hes gorgeous! If i can find one so can you just look harder and not on the tv!!

sarah x x x