Can you squint on the eye exam for your permit in california?


May 13, 2008
So I have poor vision (can't make out detail in peoples face far away, words are fuzzy) but when I squint (even though it is extremely unattractive) I can see normally, pretty much 20 20. So if I can squint and read the words will I pass it? Or will they be all "go get glasses" cuz im too lazy too and I want my permit.
Actually I disagree with you. I can read anything far away that someone else could.

And with the speed limit thing... Do you honestly think that me not reading a number will screw everything up? I would drive in relation to other cars. That's what a lot of people do anything. Besides I can squint and see better immediately. Its like instant glasses on my eyes.

It was a stupid question, you guys obviously do not understand because you are not me.