What is the EASIEST way to jailbreak & download installer.app for the iPhone with a


New member
Feb 7, 2009
What is the EASIEST way to jailbreak & download installer.app for the iPhone with a

windows computer? I have a new 3G iPhone and a PC. I Want to jailbreak my iPhone, not to use other networks, but to use 3rd Party Apps - Like CallD to delete individual calls from my call log (if anyone knows easier way to do this too, PLEASE SHARE!).

I have been to a ton of sites trying to explain downloading installer.app and saying the phone must be jailbroken to do this. I am finding lots of broken links and roadblocks on all these sites.

Can someone please explain, step by step, a simple and effective way to accomplish this? I am technologically savvy and very good with computers, so I'm sure I can follow these instructions easily - I just need to know the sites, programs to download, the order of doing things, etc.

Thank you!