If there was only one gay person and you didn't really like that person, would you


May 22, 2008
still pursue a relationship? There's this girl and she's probably the only lesbian at my school. I dont really like her that much because she doesn't do her best in school and she will probably try to talk me into cheating with her on tests and stuff in class if we do end up going out. Other than that I don't want our relationship to be that out there and I'm sure she will make a big deal out of it and ask me to make out in front of teachers and stuff. So would you still pursue a relationship with this person? I think the obvious moral answer is no but I really want to love someone and have someone love me back
We've been mutual friends for 3 years. Recently, I've been getting closer to her because we have a lot of classes together and we sit next to each other.
No your way better then that. There was only one gay gie at my school for a hole year and i was thinking why him:( and now this year there are some meny gay people (well there all saying there bi) i guse its the new thing at my school. But i STILL dont want to come out to that school because i think alot of them are doing it to look cool and its just a "fase" or "trend" wright now and i know mine is not a fase i 16 now and i have bin gay since i was 11 or 12 since pubertey started lol so all wait till i move out then no one can tell me what 2do
No. I mean if I didnt really "like" him, than im certainly not gonna date him. If you don like her...at all than how are you gonna love this person?
Im sure you will eventually find a girl that you can love. Just wait for it. Try going out more, you could meet more girls.
No... I'd maybe wait and see if they ended up growing on me, just to be sure, but otherwise, no.
I wouldn't. I mean, if you want to love someone that will love you back and all that stuff, why would you start a relationship with someone that you don't like? The odds of you actually loving that person are slim, and from what you said about her, she most likely wouldn't love you back. Just give it some time and wait for someone that you feel you should be with. It'll be way better when you eventually find that person.