Will showing a picture of my son in his diapers help him stop bedwetting?


May 13, 2008
My son is almost a teenager and still wets his bed. He wears nighttime protection for it. I threatened to make him sit for a picture in just his nighttime protection if he didn't stop wetting, but he kept wetting. So I've posted his picture (it's here as my profile). I know that the new age shrinks say not to humiliate them, but I'll bet you he stops doing it now. I'm emailing copies to everyone in the family as well as his classmates.
oh yea giving him a complex will make things better. Your parenting skills leave much to be desired.
So you call yourself stopping one problem by creating another by emailing this pic to his friends. who will probably tease and taunt him to the point where he will not got to school and maybe become clinically depressed? wow! But what you may not know is that it could be a medical problem where his bladder is weak and could possibly be surgically repaired. Sometimes the walls in the bladder become weak to the point where its not strong enough to hold much liquid so as a result he can't help but wet just like a small balloon, if you put too much water in it the balloon will pop thus releasing the water inside. check with his doctor and try to find another answer for this because what you did was wrong. I don't care what I would never put my children and their problems on display like that without knowing fully why. If he is being lazy and won't go to the bathroom thats one thing but he may have a problem thats another thing. Good luck to your son