What makes people itch?


New member
Jun 13, 2008
Why do people itch? Is it something psychological or a reaction to something in the environment? Could it be a sign of some sort of nutritional deficiency?
There are a lot reasons. If you ever start a new medication, it means you're allergic to it if you start to itch. Stop the med immediately.

Another way is when you have a scab and then it starts to heal. The itching is a good sign, but don't scratch or you'll leave a scar.
There are so many other reasons. Yes, it could be some sort of nutritional deficiency.

You can itch from wearing a fabric that you're allergic to.

If you're itching, you need to have a blood test. Please don't scratch, and see a doctor ASAP. :)
People generally Itch when some foreign particle tries to enter our body and also when waste materials excreted from the body get accumulated at a place.

It does not show any nutritional deficiency..