Long distance traveling with a parakeet?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
So my friend Daria is moving from Montana to Florida, but she doesn't want to leave her bird here, should I persuade her to leave him here or help her find info on parakeets and traveling? If so, what kind of info/influencing comments?
+Yah, she is driving, and flying is probably not a option for her.
+Um...Well...she isn't really warming up to the idea of leaving him here with me...and I'm afraid that she'll cry if I beg her some more to leave him behind...
Is your friend flying?
You can 100% fly on the airplane with a bird - I used to have a parrot and carried him in a little "under the seat" carrying case on flights. Since they're birds, and used to altitude pressure, the cabin pressure won't bother them. Just be sure to NOT put a bird under the cabin, because the stress and cold will probably kill it. (They have to fly with you in the passenger cabin, under the seat).

What she has to do is this:
- First call the airlines and make a reservation for a pet to be carried on board during her flight (they will only accept so many pets in the passenger cabin per flight).
- Then she has to go to a vet and get a health certificate - the vet will do a check up on the bird, make sure it's healthy and doesn't carry avian flu, etc. This certificate MUST be printed only a few DAYS before the flight - check on the time. I think it was a week or less, but I don't remember.
-Lastly, when she takes it to the airport, she has to present the vet's health certificate to the ticket agent, security officer, and possibly person at the gate.

For the bird, the little pet carrying case is good because they can't fall off a perch and hurt themselves. Cover the bottom of it with a couple washcloths so that it's comfy for them, and maybe wrinkle up another one so they can snuggle in it (but make sure they don't suffocate).
Bring 2 little dishes, one for water, one for bird seed. They will DEFINITELY need water. (I used to sneak my parrot out during flights, wrap him up in my blanket with his head poking out, and let him sleep under my chin, but the flight attendants will tell her to put the bird away if they see her doing this).

So, that's what I know for AIR travel. In terms of driving from Montana to Florida, I'd say that the carrying case would probably be the best idea, and then put him in his cage, with the perches, etc, when she and her family are at a hotel for the night. She should keep the bird close to her the whole time, on her lap, (or if it's in the car, she could just "wear" him on her shoulder granted the windows weren't all the way down). Keeping the bird close will help it from having a heart attack or getting scared/overly stressed. If the bird isn't that tame, she should keep him in the carrying case, on her lap or next to her. You might want to also call a local vet and see if they have any advice for how to travel with the bird in a way that's safe and peaceful.

Hope that helps! I used to fly with my parrot (a Sun Conure) at least one a year, and prior to him, I flew with my little cockatiel a few times too, which is a smaller and more delicate bird, more similar to a parakeet. Both were totally fine.

Good luck!