Bianchi bikes or Trek bikes?

Nov 16, 2008
this is in the category of the road

to me trek is way overrated, but it has won the tour de france 7 years in a row. and from what ive heard trek is great. and they do care about how a rider rides, and how to improve the geometry to make the riding easier.

but on the other hand i love italian bikes, but there usually overpriced. and bianchi makes most of their bikes by hand in italy. so its really good quality. again there pretty overprice, but trek is to. and bianchi has the awsome celeste green color which i love.

the trek bike i am focusing on is the trek 2.3 and the biachi bike i am focusing on is the bianchi c2c Virone 7

please i need a new road bike, and i can decide which compnay to go by, i would go with pinarello, but they only have 1 dealer in the usa