Why do girls gossip so much?


New member
Dec 30, 2008
guys don't use fists anymore love, that was in the 50's

actually, guys gossip quite a bit too
I dont really know, its kind of fun. Hahaha :D
I guess because it gives us something to do and it
starts up a conversation. I mean if your talking to someone
and you dont know how to break the awkwardness
you just have to say," Oh did you hear that Ally likes
Josh?" and then you have a big conversation about how
Ally is a slut. Lol...yeah.
It makes them feel better about themselves to tear someone down.

And, no, not ALL girls gossip. It's usually the most shallow ones that enjoy it.
im guessing becuase its entertaining and makes them feel better about themselves.
Hahaha! It's like our thing.
I think because we like to talk about people.
I'll come back to check better answers loll
Hahaha! It's like our thing.
I think because we like to talk about people.
I'll come back to check better answers loll