do you know how to ride a bike?

I can't either. I never bothered to learn. It was never important (still isn't). I was a kid on skates. My boyfriend was going to teach me on his bike a couple years ago. But my feet can't reach the pedals on his bike.
yes, i can even ride backwards sitting on the handlebars and pedal it. (too much time on my hands)
I can't ride a bike either. I tried to learn, but it was too hard for me and I didn't want to fall off. Maybe I'll learn some day.
I do now. But the embarrassing thing is that I've only learned how to ride it when I was on 6th Grade.
I felt pathetic for not learning until I was 7! It wasn't easy for me at all, I could ride just fine, the stopping part, well that was the pesky problem! I would just ride like normal and slow down when coming up to a corner, and before coming to a stop. One time though, I didn't slow down until I got to the corner, really close to the curb and I freaked out and hopped off of my bike while it was still going, and it went into the street and almost hit a car. My dad gave up on me after that and I had to teach me-self.
i can like ride it but not all the way to school..i would have to stop every like 20 your not alone in a way?? lol