Recipe for the most nutrition within one meal?


Jun 1, 2008
3 day Hiking trek - need a huge power meal before I go and then food that can be prepared while camping still offering necessary goodness. in between snack suggestions welcome - thanks!
The best way to get cheap nutritious backcountry food is to dehydrate it yourself. Basically, this requires a dehydrator and some patience. You can dehydrate almost anything you can cook—soups, stews, and sauces are especially good choices, but you can also dry fruits, vegetables, and meats. There are several guides to dehydrating available at outdoor bookstores—a popular one is Dry it, You'll Like it! by Gen MacManiman

If you don't have the time or inclination to dehydrate your own food, you'll probably turn to convenient old favorites like macaroni and cheese. To make it more nourishing, you can add a can of tuna fish or some freeze-dried veggies. I also like to add some flavorful cheese, like Parmesan, and some Louisiana hot sauce. Another cheap, popular backcountry staple (although I don't think it's that nourishing) is Ramen noodle soups. Spaghetti with a package of sauce mix and a can of tomato paste is also popular, as are the noodles and sauce mixes made by companies like Lipton. These convenience foods are designed to be side dishes, but a package intended to make four side-dishes for normal people at home turns out to be the perfect portion for one hungry hiker.

For more nutritious (but also more expensive) foods, check out quick-cooking foods from a health food store like hummus and tabouli. Nutritionists also recommend using whole grain products (like corn pasta and wheat pasta) instead of processed grains (like common white pasta).

And no matter what approach you take, aim for variety—your body works hard when hiking. Variety helps ensure a more balanced diet—plus it just plain tastes better at the end of a long slog!