There are kittens trapped inside of a boarded up house next door that had a fire?


New member
Jan 9, 2009
A house next door had an electrical fire and is now boarded up. Well for about a week the house's front door was busted down and some stray kittens were inside the house. Now it's boarded up and they have no way to get out. I can hear them crying inside. I would rather not break through the particle board they put on the front door, so is there someone I can call? Do you think animal services would do anything? Will anyone who has an authority to rescue them care? The owner of the house is a MAJOR douche so I know he won't care. Plus he doesn't care too much for my boyfriend. What else can we do? Even if I busted out a window I don't think they'd be able to jump out cause it's too high up.